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Vice President and Editorial Director, ECS: Marcia J. Horton Executive Editor: Holly Stark Editorial Assistant: William Opaluch Marketing Manager: Tim Galligan Production Manager: Pat Brown Art Director: Jayne Conte Cover Designer: Black Horse Designs and Bruce Kenselaar Full-Service Project Management/Composition: Vijayakumar Sekar, TexTech International Pvt Ltd CONTENTS ix Chapter 3. Safety Procedures and Methods 3.1 Introduction / 3.1 The Six-Step Safety Method / 3.1 Think—Be Aware / 3.2 Understand Your Procedures / 3.2 Follow Your Procedures / 3.2 Use Appropriate Safety Equipment / 3.2 Ask If You Are Unsure, and Do Not Assume / 3.2 Do Not Answer If You Do Not Know / 3.3 Pre-Job Briefings / 3.3 Definition / 3.3 What Should Be Included? / 3.3 C++: TheCompleteReference ThirdEdition HerbertSchildt OsborneMcGraw-Hill Berkeley NewYork St.Louis SanFrancisco Auckland Bogotá Hamburg London Madrid … Sign In. Details
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Nelson Vice President and Editorial Director, ECS: Marcia J. Horton Executive Editor: Holly Stark Editorial Assistant: William Opaluch Marketing Manager: Tim Galligan Production Manager: Pat Brown Art Director: Jayne Conte Cover Designer: Black Horse Designs and Bruce Kenselaar Full-Service Project Management/Composition: Vijayakumar Sekar, TexTech International Pvt Ltd CONTENTS ix Chapter 3. Safety Procedures and Methods 3.1 Introduction / 3.1 The Six-Step Safety Method / 3.1 Think—Be Aware / 3.2 Understand Your Procedures / 3.2 Follow Your Procedures / 3.2 Use Appropriate Safety Equipment / 3.2 Ask If You Are Unsure, and Do Not Assume / 3.2 Do Not Answer If You Do Not Know / 3.3 Pre-Job Briefings / 3.3 Definition / 3.3 What Should Be Included? / 3.3 C++: TheCompleteReference ThirdEdition HerbertSchildt OsborneMcGraw-Hill Berkeley NewYork St.Louis SanFrancisco Auckland Bogotá Hamburg London Madrid …
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